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Saturday, November 18, 2006

For much that I hatted Monad..

Let's start making sure I make my self clear: I still hate the Windows Powershell. Probably because each time I think about Monad, silly scripting languages like bash and VBScript come to my mind. And surely because I hate the easiness that is sold with these technologies, on which I don't believe. Did I mention I also hate the over-simplification and sourcecode savings that annoy me so much?

But as much anti PowerShell as I am, I could't help test driving it. Here's the story:

When I VPN to my company, I usually maintain my previous gateway and add the routing entries I need to work on my company's network. So I decided to do automate the operation using the Powershell. Here's the script:

# start VPN


# get my VPN IP

$colItems = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" -computername .
$myIP = ""

foreach ($objItem in $colItems)
if ($objItem.Description -like "*PPP*")
$myIP = $objItem.IPAddress

write-host "my IP: " $myIP

# establish necessary manual routing

route add mySubnet0 MASK $myIP
route add
mySubnet1 MASK $myIP
route add
mySubnet2 MASK $myIP

My conclusion is: for most silly Monad seems to be, there is a really need for scripting in this area. And for much it bothers me, not only to the IT people...

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Development Catharsis :: Copyright 2006 Mário Romano