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Monday, July 30, 2007

101 Ways To Know Your Software Project Is Doomed

Following Pedro's invitation, here is my list:

04. You have implemented your own Ruby framework that uses XML configuration files
09. You start considering a new job so you don’t have to maintain the application you are building
15. You are friends with the janitor
20. Your manager could be replaced by an email redirection batch file
23. Every bug is prioritized as Critical
28. You still believe compiling is a form of testing
72. he deadline has been renamed a ‘milestone’…just like the last ‘milestone’
74. Your boss argues “Why buy it when we can built it!”
79. Budget for testing exists as “if we have time”
80. The client will only talk about the requirements after they receive a fixed estimation
84. All performance issues are resolved by getting larger machines
85. The project has been demoted to being released as a permanent ‘Beta’ version (ok, this is not from my experience, but it's funny how gmail is still in beta...)
95. You have cut and pasted code from The Daily WTF
100. You have been 90% complete 90% of the time

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Development Catharsis :: Copyright 2006 Mário Romano