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Sunday, July 29, 2007


I've been working on web application for years, but still miss the windows client way of life. Even today, with AJAX and tons of frameworks, the web experience just sucks for must of our user experience. But is still unbeatable on deployment and maintenance.

Here's an offer that can leverage both of this worlds: VisualWebGUI:

User-Friendly – Visual WebGui was designed to be the next VB6 for the web. Simple to program, simple to deploy. With a full WinForms API and design time support you can start developing complex AJAX applications in seconds with no web know-how.
Secured – Visual WebGui was designed to provide for military grade secured AJAX applications by eliminating client side service consumption and business logic processing using an empty client concept. The browser is used as a looking glass to the server that runs the application.
Productive – With full WinForms API and design time support, Visual WebGui is almost as productive as R.A.D. platforms without limiting your options. Debug your application the same way you would debug any .NET application free of script debugging nightmares.
Powerful – Visual WebGui was designed to support enterprise class applications with unlimited complexity supported by full object oriented programming. Using our unique AJAX transport, Visual WebGui applications consume 1% of bandwidth compared to any alternative AJAX framework.
Feature-Rich – Visual WebGui contains most of WinForm's components including non trivial implementations of controls such as the PropertyGrid that provides a simple way to edit live objects.
Supported - Visual WebGui is supported by its Core Team of developers and a dedicated international community. Through online forums and our support@visualwebgui.com mail box support is always close at hand (commercial support will be available soon).
Easily Installed – Visual WebGui comes with a simple installation that will get you started on developing your AJAX application in no time. Visual WebGui's toolbox and templates are integrated into Visual Studio so they are always available.
Localized – Visual WebGui includes full .NET and WinForms multi-language localization support which allows you to localize your application in the designer the same way you localize a WinForms application.
Open Source – Visual WebGui SDK is provided free, as open-source software, and licensed under a standard LGPL agreement. It allows individuals to do whatever they wish with the application framework, both commercially and non-commercially.
Cutting-Edge – Visual WebGui provides the developer with full object oriented .NET support allowing utilization of all the .NET capabilities including reflection, generics and more. This is enabled by a unique architecture that provides an alternative HTTP processing pipeline that does not include serializing JavaScript.
Extensible – Visual WebGui is provided with many customization and extensibility features including custom control creation, theme creation and gateways.
Interopable – As an extension to ASP.NET, Visual WebGui can also interact with standard ASP.NET pages hosting them within your Visual WebGui application or calling Visual WebGui dialogs and forms from your ASP.NET code.
Visual WebGui's roadmap includes…
Mono deployment - Allowing your Visual WebGui application to run on non Microsoft servers (Visual WebGui for .NET 1.1 is already compatible with mono).
Legacy to web – Migrating WinForms or VB6 applications to web with out rewriting your application.
Dual mode deployment – Deploy your Visual WebGui application as a desktop application or a web application enjoying the best of both worlds.

referenced in: ISerializable


Unknown said...

Hey, its time for you to take a look at Silverlight. :) saudusism will be a thing from the past :D

Mário Romano said...

Silverlight has it's use, but I doubt that we will be using it to create complete applications - Silverlight is supposed to be light weighted, not to host complete business apps. Should XBAP help us here?

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