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Thursday, August 02, 2007

CodeSmith 4.1 is now available

I've been a long time user of CodeSmith - where I chose to port my old generaters to, and I'm still using it with NetTiers and with my NHibernate mappers. The latest version supports:

* Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 "Orcas" Support - CodeSmith has been updated to support the latest version of Visual Studio codenamed "Orcas"

* Linq to Sql templates - Generates LINQ classes as well as manager classes to make it easier to execute common queries, manage validation, and add business rules. It's "SQL Metal" on steroids.

Some considerations:
  • Good: CodeSmith is very active and responsive to market changes;
  • Bad: pricing is not what it used to be;
  • Undefined: does CodeSmith still makes sense for new projects? Targeting SQLMetal doesn't seem enough for surviving... The LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities designer makes SQLMetal too poor to use other than in demos.
And now that we are taking about it, what about GAT/GAX implementations other than the P&P ones? Where are them?

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