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Saturday, August 18, 2007

How should I deploy Windows Mobile Applications?

It's been a while since I last wrote some code to a mobile device - I had an Everest with Pocket PC 2.0 and a modem on a cradle back in the late 90's.

The developing environment was ok, but some basic plumbing like ADO only came with 2.1. I had some trouble setting the VB runtime, so MFCs and even the big-switch model dominated the (in)utilities I wrote back then.

We came a long way 'till my current environment, but one thing is bothering me now: why do I have to sign a certificate to write an application on my mobile?

Is it for enterprise security sake? Probably. But why shouldn't people be allowed to use my in-utilities, other then the fact that they aren't useful at all? I've just wrote 2 perfectly useless utilities to try the gpsapi (a speed alarm and a clock setter), and I cannot push them to anyone. So how in hell's name will my in-utilities by trashed?! Not fair...

Definitely, I hate close systems. The Von Neumann machine as to re-enter the Windows Mobile...

PS: one cool feature gpsapi gives us is concurrent access to the GPS.

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