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Sunday, October 28, 2007

P&P vNext, according to ALT.NET

Glenn Block has just posted a summary of ALT.NET wish list regarding P&P. Though not completely agreeing, here's ALT'NET list:


  1. Guidance on core concepts and principles like OOP, separation of concerns, layering, etc
  2. Guidance on good software engineering and design practices, code quality, TDD, DDD, BDD, code smells, CI
  3. Patterns / Anti-patterns - GOF / Fowler, etc (Don't make up new ones)
  4. Tutorials / examples
  5. Be Neutral / Pragmatic
    1. Trusted advisor on different tools, techniques and methods i.e. Stored Procs vs Dynamic SQL
    2. Existing OS solutions (NHibernate, Log4Net, etc)
  6. Be Critical including of community efforts
  7. Advocate community endeavors
  8. Engage with the OSS community


  1. Focus on toolkits and factories
  2. Become an evangelism org / marketing machine for the platform. (Though it's okay to become an evangelism org for patterns and good engineering practices.)
  3. Be Dogmatic (our way is the only way, or even the best way)
  4. Dumb down developers

Not to focus on toolkits and factories has advantages (greater pool from where to retrieve solutions) but also problems (too broaden offering won't facilitate integration, will rise the need of education on different toolkits and SFs, and above all may confuse most application enterprise architects...)

It may seem heretic for ALT.NET guys but I'm currently in the process of porting log4net usage to EL. Don't get me wrong, I just love log4net, but I think we really need to leverage application architecture plumbing. EL seems like the right placeholder to absorve great concepts, even without the best of the implementations. And though I'm using NHibernate, I'm waiting for my LINQ for Entities review on a real world project: if it works ok, I'll probably stop using NHibernate. And boy, do I love NHibernate...

I'm a long time NDoc user, and as many I am disappointed with it's failure - though I haven't yet swapped it to SandCastle.

When working on large projects we often observe a plethora of toolkits doing exactly the same, just because my company flavored Spring.Net, and another company digged EL, and another just did it with their own library.

This may seem like M$FT evangelism, but it really isn't. It's just me being pragmatic. I want to use the great concepts that came from the java and ALT.NET communities materialized on stable and enterprise drives toolkits.

Still using nUnit and CC.NET, but would like to use the Visual Studio equivalents...


André Cardoso said...

October has been a productive month in post generation ;)

Almost 100 posts... 2 days to go, and 3 posts left.

Keep up posting (or jabbing, as Jeff Atwood puts it - http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000983.html)

Mário Romano said...

Thanks... I think... Here's the message from Atwood:

"I don't care if you suck at writing. I don't care if nobody reads your blog. I don't care if you have nothing interesting to say. If you can demonstrate a willingness to write, and a desire to keep continually improving your writing, you will eventually be successful."


Development Catharsis :: Copyright 2006 Mário Romano