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Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Carnap Programming Language

Multi-core is a sure trend. Here's another one:

Carnap is a general purpose programming language for the next generation of many-core devices, many many-core systems and their applications. It introduces a process oriented programming model that allows programmers to separate the concerns: Carnap programs consist of data structures and the concurrent processes that act upon them.

§2 "The primitive process of a Carnap program is called an action. An action determines a local or shared state. Actions are assembled by construction to form the component processes of a program. Programs consist of concurrent processes that construct and interact via logically shared data structures and resources called Contexts.

§3 In this way the application programmer is able to separate concerns, reasoning separately about the two primary aspects of Carnap programs: potentially large scale data structures and the concurrent processes that act upon them.

§4 Contexts are named, type associative and statically typed.

read about it at LamdaTheUltimate.

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